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Botrytis Alert is a field-side, quick and easy to use low-cost test to measure Botrytis in the air and plant.

Botrytis Alert is the first step to reduce crop and post-storage harvest losses
Botrytis Alert can be used to help inform decision making and drive early intervention to prevent polycyclic disease epidemics and post-storage rots.
Botrytis Alert: Monitor, Act, Treat, Control and Harvest (MATCH)
Pricing structure:
Bulk orders > 1000 tests

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Botrytis Alert has been developed for growers, agronomists and scientists to quickly test samples at the point of need
We have developed the Botrytis Alert so that it can be used to test plant material and air samples. However, that’s not to say you can’t apply the test to other points of need. Below we describe how we have used the test:
We use a simple, low cost technology which neither requires laboratory equipment or microbial expertise. Simply put, Botrytis Alert provides a lab on a stick which follows the principles of lateral flow technology. Mologic founder, Professor Paul Davis has a long history in lateral flow technology, being a member of the team that developed the one-step ClearBlue home pregnancy test. This breakthrough led to a pivotal patent family (Davis & Porter, 1980; May, Prior & Richards 1986 and Davis, May & Prior, 1989). Here at Mologic, we are truly proud to have Paul as our Chief Scientific Office4


Botrytis Alert was originally developed to monitor Botrytis spores in the air to predict risk of crop infection. By combing spore load with information on environmental conditions can help inform growers when to apply control measures. Botrytis AgriAlert has been used with a number of air samplers to include rotorod and the microtiter immunospore spore trap
Botrytis Alert uses monoclonal BC12.CA4 in a double antibody lateral flow. Information relating to botrytis monoclonal BC12.CA4 on reactivity, stability and use in a range of crops is referenced in a number of scientific journal papers (Meyer, 2000, Meyer & Dewey 2000, Dewey et al., 2008, and Kennedy et al.,2000) Botrytis monoclonal BC12.CA4 has been shown to strongly label the mycelial wall of Botrytis cinerea. Poor / low level recognition to the conidial (spore) stage is reported. In air, we recommend a conidial germination stage prior to test measurement
Monitor, Act, Treat, Control and Harvest (MATCH)